
Having questions about body contouring is normal. For many, it’s a completely new thing. Let’s face it, when it comes to your body you want to make sure you have all of your questions answered! We want to make sure TushToners is the right option for your body, budget and time. We understand the investment this takes so we are more than happy to answers any questions you have along the way!
Non-invasive body contouring is an inch loss method that uses a machine with ultrasound and radiofrequency to sculpt your body, target stubborn fat, reduce cellulite and help promote overall skin rejuvenation.
Anywhere there is stubborn fat! Arms, butt, chin, stomach, inner, outer and back of thighs.
NO! It’s pain-free and most people actually think it’s very relaxing and feels like a massage, so much so that many fall asleep during the service!
The vast majority of clients see instant results after their first session. Typically, clients see 1/2 to an inch gone each session. Some have lost as much as 2 inches per session. But, the best part is that what you see once you leave isn’t and end all be all, your body will naturally drain the recently broken down fat over the next few days so drink EXTRA WATER to ensure optimal results.
Since everyone’s body is different there is no exact science on this, however, body contouring is easiest explained like this: if you work out regularly you will not spontaneously gain weight. But when you stop and adopt poor dieting habits, the inches can come back. The same goes for body contouring. If you are working out, eating healthy you can certainly expect long-term results. Body contouring is an extremely expedited inch loss approach that could take years under regular diet and exercise. Once the inches come off and you are at your ideal figure, it is up to you to maintain it. If you do, the results could last a lifetime!
Since there are many variables that go into body contouring (which area you want to target, will it be multiple areas, how much work will be required in each area) really make it difficult to have a “flat price.” When you call for a consultation we will go over price and payment options. We have 0% financing for a year with Cherry! You can have monthly payments as low as $100! Financing is even available for up to 2 years with a very low APR. Check it out!

Are you ready to try TushToners?