How does Grass-Fed Meat Benefit your body?

Raw Organic Grass Fed Sirloin Steak with Salt and Pepper

Grass-fed meat is arguably one of the healthiest and most nutritious protein options out there. This particular meat comes from cattle that are only fed grass throughout their lives, whereas grain-fed meat comes from cattle that are fed a diet that primarily consists of corn and soy, which is NOT a natural diet for them. This is also how the vast majority of how cows are fed in the US. Animals, just like humans, prosper the most when given foods that closely resemble their natural dietary needs. When this occurs, the end consumer benefits the most as the animals have a higher nutritional makeup and less unhealthy fats.

Lower Calorie Count

Grass-fed meat contains fewer calories compared to conventional meat. In fact, if you are like the average American that consumes 54.6 pounds of beef per year, switching to grass-fed beef will save you about 17,000 calories annually! This is because the fat content is generally lower since the animal’s diet is natural and mostly clean. So even if everything else in your diet plan remains consistent, you can still benefit from losing around six pounds each year if you consume grass-fed meat.

Maintains Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Grass-fed meat contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which is a healthy fatty acid. CLA helps to prevent and reduce many types of diseases, including diabetes, and also may play a role in preventing certain conditions, such as obesity. Grass-fed meat also promotes insulin sensitivity that maintains the blood sugar levels. If you couple grass-fed meat with the keto diet, you may very quickly notice positive changes in your body and lifestyle.

Helps Fight Cancer

CLA is considered to be one of the strongest nutrients to fight against cancer. According to a study, women who were fed meat rich in CLA had 60% lower chances of developing breast cancer compared to women who had no CLA in their diet. CLA is unique and known to be one of the most effective anticancer nutrients present in grass-fed meat.

Contains Less Bacteria

Various studies have suggested that grain-fed meat is more prone to bacteria compared to grass-fed meat. Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an antibiotic-resistant bacteria that is generally found in grain-fed meat. Moreover, conventional meat contains superbugs and staph bacteria that can be harmful to the body. Grass-fed meat, on the other hand, does not contain any of these bacteria.

Reduced Risk Diseases

Grass-fed meat can help reduce the risk of heart disease through antioxidants such as Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3’s play a vital role in the body because they prevent the chances of developing high blood pressure and heart problems. It also contains essential vitamins and minerals that are not found in grain-fed meat.


Consuming grass-fed meat instead of conventional meat can transform your diet and lifestyle. You will benefit from consuming fewer calories and healthy fats that are essential for a healthy diet. Therefore, for a better change, consider going for high-quality food products.


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