Men and Visceral Fat

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As part of the aging process, the proportion of fat to body weight tends to increase. Extra pounds start adding up in some parts of the body, especially the abdomen. This type of fat accumulation is known as visceral abdominal fat. Men have a greater tendency to accumulate visceral fat as compared to women.

What Is Visceral Fat?


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Visceral fat is a type of fat that wraps around the abdominal organs deep inside the stomach. You may not always be able to feel it or even see it as it is not always apparent. As a result, you might think that you have a flat tummy but in actuality, you still have a layer of visceral fat inside. It lies out of our reach, deep within the abdomen cavity, where it fills the space between the organs. Only an imaging scan can show how much visceral fat you are carrying in your body, but most doctors don’t prescribe a test merely for this reason.

Dangers of Visceral Fat in Men

At one point in the past, most men just accepted visceral fat accumulating with age because it was inevitable. But now, as more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of maintaining their physical health, they have accepted that when waistlines grow, so do the health risks.

Visceral fat has become a particularly important concern among most men as it plays a key role in several health-related issues. Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and high cholesterol are some of the hazardous issues that are strongly linked to visceral fat.

In addition, some researchers have pointed out that visceral fat generates greater amounts of some of the proteins in the body that inflames the tissues and organs, resulting in narrow blood vessels. This can cause the blood pressure to shoot up and create other problems.

How Can you Prevent Visceral Fat Accumulation?


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The starting point for controlling your weight is through maintaining regular exercise and a healthy diet. Physical activity for at least 30 to 60 minutes every day can help to maintain your regular belly fat and visceral fat. For mean, strength training through weight lifting and push-ups can help to fight visceral fat. Certain exercises, such as sit-ups or planks, may be effective in burning regular fat layers but may not help when it comes to reducing visceral fat.

Furthermore, diet is equally important to eliminate visceral fat. You should pay attention to how many calories you consume in a day and the amount of complex carbohydrates you eat. It is recommended that you include higher amounts of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet and cut down on white bread, sugary drinks, and processed food.


Visceral fat in the body can have several consequences if not treated properly. While most people tend to pay attention to the obvious fat surrounding the body, it is time to pay some heed to the hidden fat as well.


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