What’s the Difference Between Laser Liposuction and Ultrasonic Cavitation?


Around the world, there has been a growing surge in the popularity of non-invasive body contouring treatments. According to the data published by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), non-invasive body contouring services have become so sought after that for every one surgical liposuction procedure, ten non-surgical body sculpting treatment sessions are conducted.

This 1:10 ratio of invasive vs. non-invasive body contouring denotes that people consider non-invasive body sculpting to be a safer, painless, effective, and more affordable method of fat reduction as compared to cosmetic surgeries.

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery cites several clinical studies that prove that after just one treatment session of non-invasive body contouring, customers can see up to 25% body fat reduction.

Laser Liposuction and Ultrasonic Body Cavitation


laser lipo Chicago body sculpting

Both laser liposuction and ultrasonic body cavitation are non-invasive methods of fat reduction and body sculpting. These treatments are being offered to customers who are tired of trying out different diets and vigorous exercise routines but are still unable to get rid of their stubborn fat pockets.

To help them melt hard fat cells, customers are offered these two non-invasive body contouring treatments, which last for about 45 minutes per session and require zero downtime.

Before the service, a technician measures the customer’s body and assesses the trouble areas to determine how many sessions are recommended, and collectively work with the client to achieve their ultimate goal. Some basic questions are asked to determine the customer’s medical history, surgical records, diet and lifestyle, and expectations from the service.

Depending on the problem areas, customer’s expectations and level of comfort, either one of the two non-invasive body contouring treatments is selected, and the customer is given a plan for weekly sessions.

Laser Liposuction


noninvasive laser lipo Chicago TushToners body sculpting

During laser liposuction, fiber optic diodes that produce laser beam and heat are placed on the customer’s problem areas. The combined effect of laser and heat melts the body fat, liquefies it and makes it easier to be absorbed by the body. The unabsorbed fat debris enters the body’s lymphatic system and is naturally drained out of the body as a waste product.

The fiber optic diodes emit safe laser beams and heat that penetrate deep inside the skin cells and target the subcutaneous fat underneath our skin cells. The laser beam is 100% effective in breaking the cell membranes and dissolving the cell matter of the fat cells.

As the fat cells melt and become loose, they are used up by the body and converted into simpler molecules to produce energy for our daily activity and to support our bodily functions.

Ultrasonic Body Cavitation


ultrasonic body cavitation Chicago body contouring

Ultrasonic body cavitation is an FDA-approved, non-surgical method of reducing and eliminating body fat. During your ultrasonic body cavitation session, a hand-held device is used to produce ultrasonic waves and heat to melt the body fat.

A technician will gently massage your problem areas with the applicator that emits ultrasonic waves and heat. The ultrasonic waves and heat will penetrate inside your skin and target the stubborn fat cells. As the cell membranes break and cell matter is released into the body, it is absorbed by digestive enzymes and broken down into simpler molecules. Undigested fatty acids later enter the lymphatic system and are excreted out of the body as waste products.

Final Word

To see the best results of your laser liposuction or ultrasonic body cavitation treatment, you will need around 6 to 10 sessions. If the client follows through with eating well, exercise and maintaining the recommended weekly appointments, one can certainly expect a more toned, defined, well-sculpted and contoured body. Check out our Before and After page to see some real results from real clients!


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